It’s election time in Canada, and after a small absence, Elect Conservatives is proud to announce that we are back to fight for conservatism in Canada.
After Justin Trudeau called upon the Governor General to dissolve parliament on Sunday, Canada will go to the polls in late September. Canadians across the country will elect MPs for the 44th Canadian parliament and decide, ultimately, whether Trudeau or Conservative Party leader, Erin O’Toole, will be Prime Minister.
So why are we back? You may have noticed that we have a brand new platform; a new website, new graphics, a new feel to our advocacy.
The answer is simple. Conservatives across the country feel disillusioned with those who were appointed to represent them. Whether they are MPs, provincial representatives or municipal councilors, conservative values have taken a severe hit in recent years.
The most obvious examples are those related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. What started out as a simple call to action by the government (“two weeks to flatten the curve”) has turned into a constitutional nightmare of unprecedented proportions. Lockdowns infringed our abilities to see friends and family, quarantine rules meant Canadians faced severe fines for simply exercising basic rights, and now, the federal government are laying the foundations for mandatory vaccine passports as we speak.
Only a few years ago, this would have sounded like something out of a dystopian science-fiction novel, but has now become everyday life in our great country.
Furthermore, the Canadian ethos of egalitarianism has been manipulated beyond recognition. The ruling elite continue to fly abroad for their all-important diplomatic meetings – hosting luxury dinners with little regard for social distancing – while us mere citizens are subject to police-enforced mask orders and threats of jail time if we dare act in the same way.
COVID-19 has revealed the ugly side of Canada: a government that cares little for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and a population that is willing to throw away those rights for protection from the virus. One cannot help but recall what the great American, Benjamin Franklin, once said: “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
For the first time in modern Canadian history, we have experienced an egregious attack on our civil liberties. If someone from ten years ago could travel forward in time to 2021 and witness a population that is forced to wear masks, prohibited from crossing borders (or spend 3 days in a government sanctioned quarantine hotel upon return), and forbidden to re-open their businesses under strict municipal regulations, they would undoubtedly see that something, somewhere, has gone horribly wrong in Canadian society.
And worse still, it is not just COVID-19 that has ignited this purge against our basic freedoms. Plenty of other examples have come to pass since the last election – including hate-speech laws and Bill C-10 – all of which are designed to curtail our freedom of expression and drive civil liberties further into the ground.
We cannot stand by any longer and watch our nation fall to dystopian principles. Time and time again, history has shown us that the future is bleak when such laws go unopposed, and as the great Winston Churchill once said, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
We know that many Canadians also feel the same way we do. The chances are that you are one of those disheartened individuals if you are reading this, and for all the above reasons, Elect Conservatives is here to fight for you.
We believe that Canada, now more than ever, needs a return to conservative principles; principles of free speech, individual liberty and limited government. We need a nation that is proud of its values and not afraid to stand up to draconian policies from federal, provincial and municipal politicians, and most importantly, we need a nation that fights for what is right instead of pandering to left-wing politicians and activists.
We are proud to represent common sense in Canada, but we need your support. Too many Canadians are afraid to speak their minds for fear of public ridicule or losing their livelihoods, but by standing together, we can defend conservative values across our nation and say “enough is enough.”
If you believe in our values, join us across our social media channels and share our content, available on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and YouTube. We are also building an online store where you can buy merchandise and show your conservatism loud and proud. And finally, please help our cause by making an online donation today. Whether it’s attending party conferences, hosting events or simply paying website administration fees, your donation will go a long way to helping us advance conservative values across Canada.
Times are undoubtedly tough for those of us seeing Canadian values decline so rapidly, but Elect Conservatives is back and ready to fight for those values once again. We hope you will join us in that fight.
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