Although Justin Trudeau proclaims to want to propel all Canadians ahead with the campaign slogan, “Forward. For everyone,” his campaign platform would be much more accurately described with the tagline, “Forward. For some.”
From day one of this federal election campaign, Justin Trudeau has not only been taking sides on issues, but with people. His campaign speeches are littered with us-versus-them rhetoric, siding with those whom he assumes are in the majority in the hopes of capitalizing on their support come election day.
Justin Trudeau does not want everyone to move forward, only those who agree with him.
He missed out the “or else” at the end this time.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) September 4, 2021
He has repeatedly referred to Canadians who are against mandatory vaccinations and vaccine passports as “those people,” as if they themselves were a virus in need of elimination.
The Liberal platform pledges $2 billion dollars to ‘transition’ oil and gas workers out of the industry. The fact is, there would only be so many new jobs in Trudeau’s idealised green future. As a result, many workers would be left behind.
The problem with having an activist Prime Minister is that he rarely focuses on the things that are good for the whole. Instead, subgroups, pet projects and ideological agendas reign supreme.
A real leader would not pit groups of people, industries, or different parts of the country against each other. They would instead seek to unify and listen to differing voices from across the political spectrum. But what we have seen from Mr. Trudeau is a top down, dictatorial, divisive style of governance that infantilizes Canadians and pits them against each other on almost every issue imaginable.
This is not leadership. It’s desperation, and it is extremely harmful for the country.
Under Justin Trudeau, his supporters will move forward, and everyone else will suffer under a domineering, holier-than-thou leader who will dictate what you can and cannot do and how you should live your life.
(Photo credit: THE CANADIAN PRESS / Nathan Denette)
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