It wasn’t the media, it wasn’t his opponents, it was Justin Trudeau who equated mandating vaccinations with tyranny.
In a clumsy sleight of hand, Trudeau vacillated from threatening Canadians to get a vaccine, to telling them they had a choice, to asking his supporters to give him a mandate to force their fellow Canadians to get vaccinated against their will, or have them face consequences.
We got a glimpse of this ideological pretzel when Trudeau spoke to a small crowd at a campaign stop in Calgary. As he worked himself up into a frenzied state, he half yelled the nonsensical threat to unvaccinated Canadians, “don’t think you can get on a plane or a train beside vaccinated people and put them at risk!”
Say NO to vaccine passports.
Say NO to medical segregation.
Say NO to authoritarian control.Say YES to everyone's right to live as a free citizen in this country.#together
— Julia Hartley-Brewer (@JuliaHB1) August 20, 2021
He went on to say, “there’s lots of people out there who don’t agree with that, and that’s okay, we’re in a democracy, […] the counter to tyranny is democracy, is elections and that’s exactly what we’re putting forward.”
The odd thing about his sales pitch is that the outcome would be a less democratic state. Justin Trudeau is asking for a mandate that would take more power away from the people and give it to the government. And of course, the problem with democratically elected tyranny is that it only happens once.
While there will still be Canadians opposed to mandatory vaccinations post-election, the difference in Trudeau’s mind is that if he gets a majority government, their voices will be rendered irrelevant because of the mandate he is seeking.
Perhaps they thought Canadians were more on board with having a tyrannical government than they actually are.
Oddly, they are not changing their tune despite a steady decline in the polls.
It will be interesting to see how many people quietly step off the Trudeau train, which is chugging rapidly towards more fear, division and tyranny.
(Photo credit: Dimitris Lampropoulos/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
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