The People’s Party of Canada currently have more national support than the federal Green party, according to election campaign polls.
The analysis, conducted for the Toronto Star by Vox Pop Labs, shows the People’s Party with 4.5% support nationally, compared with 3.4% for the Greens.
Based on this outcome, the People’s Party could win one seat in the House of Commons: the Quebec riding of Beauce, where Leader Maxime Bernier is running.
Clifton van der Linden, Chief Executive Officer of Vox Pop Labs and a political science professor at McMaster University, stated:
“I think there’s a rally around the PPC by a segment of the anti-vax movement. It might be consolidation or a coalescence of anti-vaxxers around Bernier, being the only political party leader who is antagonistic towards COVID-19 vaccinations.”
While the poll numbers are great to see, van der Linden is completely wrong with his analysis.
The PPC is not growing in support because of the anti-vax movement. The PPC are growing in support because Bernier has been relentless in his defence of civil liberties across Canada and has publicly opposed mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports.
Millions of Canadians disagree with the draconian and tyrannical policy of vaccine passports, and as such, Bernier’s support is growing en masse. If people who believe in freedom and a ban on vaccine passports are “anti-vaxers”, then sign up the entire Elect Conservatives team to the movement, because we will continue to oppose vaccine passports every step of the way.
(Photo credit: Justin Tang/The Canadian Press)
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