People are living in fear, says Daniel Waggoner, the Fredericton businessman running as the Tobique-Mactaquac candidate for the People’s Party of Canada in the upcoming federal election.
Not only has the Trudeau government and the media promoted fear and overhyped the “benefits” of COVID-19 lockdowns, those who disagree with the government fear the loss of their freedom, Waggoner said.
He emphasized that government-induced fear was the critical issue in the federal election, and while the PPC’s poll numbers continue to rise – putting them past the Green Party and closing in on the NDP – “that speaks volumes”.
“The current government throws a lot of money at our CBC media cartel to scare people into being afraid of each other,” he said. “Not only are they afraid of each other, but now they are afraid of the unclean, unvaxed, which to me is wrong. If you have not been vaccinated, you’re not unclean.”
Calgary. Firefighters, EMS and even Police protesting against mandates for jabs..#Calgary #canada #freedom #novaccinepassportsanywhere pic.twitter.com/gCBnn9aY5V
— Gillian McKeith (@GillianMcKeith) September 8, 2021
Waggoner also said the virus is a severe threat to a few, but he wants the government to keep the danger in perspective by exercising common sense and providing honest answers.
“There’s no denying the COVID-19 pandemic is real,” he said. “There’s no denying the SARS-COV-2 virus is deadly to certain people for sure…especially the elderly, people with serious ailments and people near death. That’s just the statistics.”
“I exercise. I eat well. I get lots of Vitamin D. I get lots of sun. I take zinc supplements. But our government has not said anything about any of this. All they said is the only way out of this is a vaccine.”
Waggoner dismissed the suggestion that vaccines are the only solution, noting people have the right to choose getting the COVID-19 vaccine or not. He sees vaccine mandates and passports as a direct attack on Canadian freedoms.

Elect Conservatives has taken a stand against vaccine passports, and we will continue to do so throughout the election and beyond.
As such, we 100% agree with Daniel Waggoner. Freedoms are very much on the line this election, and if those of us who support conservative values don’t vote on September 20th, we could be waking up to a completely different country on September 21st.
We wish Daniel the very best of luck in his election campaign.
(Photo credit: The Toronto Star)
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